Liene Ozola
- Lauksaimniecības un pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte - prodekāne
- Pārtikas institūts - docente; pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
Pieņemšanas laiki nav norādīti.
Studiju kursi
- Pārtikas izejvielu bioloģija
- Inovatīvu produktu izstrāde II
- Augļu un dārzeņu pārstrādes tehnoloģijas
- Pārtikas kvalitātes vadīšana
- Kvalitātes sistēmas pārtikas apritē
- Pārtikas zinātne
- Augļi, dārzeņi, to pārstrāde II
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Evaluation of phenolic compound composition of Sambucus nigra berries grown in Latvia / A. Avena, L. Ozola, A. Keke
- Sensory evaluation of innovative energy drinks based on spruce sprout, fruit juice and cold brew coffee / Klinta Karklina, Liene Ozola
- Development of innovative energy drink based on cold brew-spruce sprout and its comparison to commercial energy drinks / K. Karklina, L. Ozola, M. N. G. Ibrahim
- Evaluation of phenolic compound composition of Sambucus nigra berries grown in Latvia / A. Avena, L. Ozola, A. Keke
- Development of innovative energy drink based on cold brew-spruce sprout and its comparison to commercial energy drinks / K. Karklina, L. Ozola, M. N. G. Ibrahim
- Development and characteristics of plant-based product prototypes for oro-pharyngeal dysphagia diet / Liene Ozola, Dzaner Shengjuler, Ruta Galoburda, Zanda Kruma, Evita Straumite, Solvita Kampuse
- Evaluation of pine cone syrups and changes of physical parameters during storage / Klinta Karklina, Liene Ozola
- Evaluation of pine cone syrups and changes in physical parameters during storage / Klinta Karklina, Liene Ozola
- Physical parameter changes in pine cone jams during storage / Klinta Kārkliņa, Liene Ozola
- Concentration of bioactive and mineral compounds in enteral tube feed products made of plant-based ingredients = Bioaktīvo savienojumu un minerālvielu saturs augu valsts izejvielu bāzes enterālā uztura produktos / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse
- Evaluation of bioactive compounds in spruce sprouts and pine buds / Klinta Kārkliņa, Liene Ozola
- Nutritional composition of plant-based texture: modified foods for dysphagia patients = Uzturvielu sastāva analīze augu bāzes disfāgijas pacientiem pielāgotās struktūras produktos / Solvita Kampuse, Liene Ozola, Zanda Krūma, Dace Kļava, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumīte, Inese Siksna
- Īpašiem medicīniskiem nolūkiem paredzētas pārtikas izstrāde = Development of Food Products for Special Medical Purposes : promocijas darbs zinātnes doktora grāda (Ph.D.) iegūšanai pārtikas un dzērienu tehnoloģijās / Liene Ozola ; promocijas darba vadītāja Solvita Kampuse ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas katedra.
- Īpašiem medicīniskiem nolūkiem paredzētas pārtikas izstrāde : promocijas darba kopsavilkums zinātniskā doktora grāda zinātnes doktors (Ph.D.) pārtikas un dzērienu tehnoloģijās iegūšanai = Development of Food Products for Special Medical Purposes : summary of the doctoral thesis for acquiring a doctor of science (Ph.D.) in food and beverage technologies / Liene Ozola ; promocijas darba vadītāja Solvita Kampuse ; darba recenzenti: Dalija Segliņa, Ilze Beitāne, Vitālijs Radenkovs ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Texture changes in plant-based products for dysphagia consumption / Liene Ozola, Ruta Galoburda, Solvita Kampuse
- The evaluation of organically grown apple cultivars for special diet puree production / Solvita Kampuse, Zanda Kruma, Dace Klava, Liene Ozola, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite
- Mineral and bioactive compound content in plant-based purees with increased protein amount / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse
- Mineral and bioactive compound content in plant-based protein - enriched purenes / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse
- The influence of processing and storage conditions on quality parameters of pumpkin puree / Solvita Kampuse, Lolita Tomsone, Dace Klava, Liene Ozola, Ruta Galoburda
- The evaluation of organically grown apple cultivars for special diet puree production / Solvita Kampuse, Zanda Kruma, Dace Klava, Liene Ozola, Ruta Galoburda, Evita Straumite
- The influence of processing and storage conditions on quality parameters of pumpkin puree / Solvita Kampuse, Lolita Tomsone, Dace Klava, Liene Ozola, Ruta Galoburda
- Effect of drying technologies on bioactive compounds maintenance in pumpkin by-products / D. Kļava, S. Kampuse, L. Tomsone, T. Kince, L. Ozola
- The influence of drying technology to the amount of bioactive compounds in Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) by-products / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse
- Influence of heat treatment methods on bioactive compound concentrations in pumpkin – guelder rose (Viburnum opulus) sauces = Termiskās apstrādes metožu ietekme uz ķirbju–irbeņu (Viburnum opulus) mērču uzturvielu sastāvu / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse
- The influence of drying method to the changes of bioactive compounds in lingonberry by-products / L. Ozola, S. Kampuse
- The influence of thermal processing technologies on enteral food shelf-life / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse
- The influence of processing technology to the quality parameters of pumpkin puree during shelf life / Solvita Kampuse, Lolita Tomsone, Dace Kļava, Liene Ozola
- The effect of high-pressure processing on enteral food made from fresh and semi-finished ingredients / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse, Ruta Galoburda
- The content of bioactive compounds in pumpkin purée prepared with different production technologies / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse, Lolita Tomsone
- The effect of high-pressure processing on enteral food made from fresh or semi-finished ingredients / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse, Ruta Galoburda
- Quality parameters of pumpkin puree enriched with pumpkin (‘Butternut Waltham’) byproducts / Solvita Kampuse, Liene Ozola
- The evaluation of Jerusalem artichoke (Heliantus tuberosus L.) puree (preliminary research) / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse
- The effect of vacuum cooking on enteral food made from fresh and semi-finished ingredients / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse
- Vacuum cooking (cook-vide) as a potential food processing method for obtaining microbiologically safe products / Liene Ozola, Solvita Kampuse
- Quality parameters of wheat bread enriched with pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata) by-products / Solvita Kampuse, Liene Ozola, Evita Straumite, Ruta Galoburda
- Quality parameters of wheat bread enriched with pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata duchesne ex poiret) by-products / S. Kampuse, L. Ozola, E. Straumite, R. Galoburda
- The structure of Chaenomeles Japonica fruit / Liene Ozola, Dace Kļava, Ruta Galoburda