Irina Sivicka
Mg. agr.Amats
- Augsnes un augu zinātņu institūts - lektore; pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- O
15:00 - 16:00, LBTU LPTF AAZI, pils, 105. telpa
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Studiju kursi
- Netradicionālā dārzkopība
- Dārzkopības produkcijas ražošana II
- Dārzeņkopība I
- Dārzeņkopība II
- Bakalaura darbs III
- Bakalaura darbs IV
- Dārzkopības produkcijas ražošana III
- Bakalaura darbs
- Dārzkopība I
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Biologically active compounds in tomato fruits under the application of water–ethanol Spirulina, Dunaliella and Chlorella microalgae extracts on plants' leaves / Ingrīda Augšpole, Irina Sivicka, Kaspars Kampuss, Pāvels Semjonovs, Imants Missa
- Biologically active compounds of tomato fruits affected by application of Spirulina, Dunaliella and Chlorella microalgae extracts / Ingrīda Augšpole, Irina Sivicka, Kaspars Kampuss, Pāvels Semjonovs, Imants Missa
- Effect of treatment with microalgae extracts on growth and development of tomato seedlings / I. Sivicka, K. Kampuss, P. Semjonovs
- Evaluation of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) accessions by complex of functional traits / Irina Sivicka, Aleksandrs Adamovics
- Effect of treatments with microalgae extracts to total chlorophyll content in tomato leaves / Irina Sivicka, Kaspars Kampuss, Pāvels Semjonovs, Ingrīda Augšpole
- Raudenes klonu atšķirības pēc kumulatīvas zaļās masas = Differences in cumulative fresh biomass among oregano accessions / Irina Sivicka
- Effect of treatment with microalgae extracts to some morphological and biochemical parameters of tomato leaves / Ingrīda Augšpole, Irina Sivicka, Kaspars Kampuss, Pāvels Semjonovs
- Influence of biogas digestate, wood ash and their mixtures on the yield and quality of cucumbers / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Irina Sivicka
- Challenges in conservation of oregano Origanum vulgare L. and Thyme thymus sp. genetic resources in ex situ collection / Irina Sivicka
- Laiks ielikt pamatus labai ražai : [uzsākot dārza darbus, padomus dod LBTU Augsnes un augu zinātņu institūta vad. pētnieks K. Kampuss, I. Missa, I. Sivicka] / Ingrīda Neusa-Luca
- The severity of fungal diseases on leaves of Origanum vulgare L. in ex situ collection / Olga Sokolova, Irina Sivicka
- Air and substrate temperatures in greenhouse and open area of strawberries grown in vertical system and their influence on yield / K. Kampuss, I. Sivicka
- Physicochemical quality evaluation of fresh-cut rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) packed and stored in biodegradable film / Ingrīda Augšpole, Irina Sivicka, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava
- Effect of growing degree days on flowering of oregano accessions / Irina Sivicka
- Effect of organic matter fertilizers on the composition of volatiles, morphometrical and anatomical parameters of essential oil-bearing Thymus × citriodorus cultivated in an open field conditions / Vaida Vaičiulytė, Kristina Ložienė, Irina Sivicka
- Herbs and spices mentioned in first Latvian cookbooks / Irina Sivicka, Gita Krūmiņa-Zemture, Ginta Līnīte
- Rozmarīna (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) sensorās kvalitātes novērtējums polietilēna (LDPE) maisiņa iepakojumā uzglabāšanas laikā = Sensory evaluation and quality assessment of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) during storage in a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) bags / Ingrīda Augšpole, Irina Sivicka
- Rozmarīna (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) sensorās kvalitātes novērtējums polietilēna (LDPE) maisiņa iepakojumā uzglabāšanas laikā = Sensory evaluation and quality assessment of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) during storage in a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) bags / Ingrīda Augšpole, Irina Sivicka
- Integrated assessment of oregano (Origanum Vulgare L.) accessions from the ex situ collection of genetic resources / Irina Sivicka, Aleksandrs Adamovičs, Olga Sokolova, Gunārs Lācis, Baiba Krivmane
- Evaluation of the phenolic profile of bear’s garlic (Allium Ursinum L.) leaves / Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Ingrīda Augšpole, Irina Sivicka, Sanita Vucāne
- Quality characteristics of fresh cut oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) depending on packaging material during cold storage / Irina Sivicka, Ingrīda Augšpole, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava
- Šķirnes ietekme uz purpura ehinācijas (Echinacea purpurea L. moench) stādu augšanu un attīstību / Demija Krūmiņa, zin. vad. Irina Sivicka
- Šķirnes un gada ietekme uz lauka tomātu ražu un kvalitāti / Madara Strelča, zin. vad. Irina Sivicka
- Influence of biogas digestate, wood ash and their mixtures on the yield and quality of cucumbers / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Irina Sivicka
- Herbs and spices mentioned in first Latvian cookbooks / Irina Sivicka, Gita Krūmiņa-Zemture, Ginta Līnīte
- Pathogenic fungi influencing safety of raw material of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) in Latvia / Olga Sokolova, Irina Sivicka
- Pathogenic fungi influencing safety of raw material of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) in Latvia / Olga Sokolova, Irina Sivicka
- Citronzāles augšana un attīstība atklātā laukā un siltumnīcā = The growing and development of lemongrass in open field and greenhouse / Irina Sivicka, Ieva Iesalniece, Andreea Aura Şuhani
- Dārza zirņu un saulespuķu mikrozaļumu raža kaņepju šķiedras un kūdras substrātos / Baiba Dimdiņa, zin. vad. Irina Sivicka
- Šķirnes un audzēšanas vietas ietekme uz bazilika ražu un tās kvalitāti / Lilija Dučkena, zin. vad. Irina Sivicka
- First report of Truncatella angustata causing leaf spot on oregano (Origanum vulgare) in Latvia / O. Sokolova, I. Sivicka, B. Krivmane, K. Karklina
- Iespējamie ēteriskās eļļas daudzuma samazinājuma iemesli raudenes (Origanum vulgare L.) drogās = Possible factors influencing the losses of the content of essential oil for oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) / Irina Sivicka
- Citronzāles augšana un attīstība atklātā laukā un siltumnīcā = The growing and development of lemongrass in open field and greenhouse / Irina Sivicka, Ieva Iesalniece, Andreea Aura Şuhani
- Integrated assessment of oregano accessions from the ex situ collection of genetic resources / Irina Sivicka, Aleksandrs Adamovičs, Olga Sokolova, Gunārs Lācis
- Evaluation of phenolic profile of bear's garlic (Allium ursinum L.) / Ingmārs Cinkmanis, Ingrida Augspole, Irina Sivicka, Sanita Vucane
- Yield quality of vertically grown strawberries in greenhouse and open area / K. Kampuss, I. Sivicka, D. Sergejeva, S. Kampuse
- Dārzeņu dobē / Irina Sivicka
- Comparison of dosages of edible flowers petals in pastry creams / Jekaterina Dorožko, Daiga Kunkulberga, Irina Sivicka
- Nezāļu sugu izplatība mulčētās un nemulčētās zelta jāņogu apdobēs / Kaspars Kampuss, Arman Kilinc, Dogukan Acer, Ahmet Rasit Sansal, Irina Sivicka
- Pētījumi par barības šķīdumu ietekmi uz zemeņu augšanu un ražas parametriem / Kaspars Kampuss, Solvita Kampuse, Irina Sivicka, Daiga Sergejeva, Reinis Štelmahers, Ingrīda Augšpole
- Pētījumi par barības šķīdumu ietekmi uz zemeņu augšanu un ražas parametriem = Research about effect of different nutrient solutions on strawberry growth and yield parameters / Kaspars Kampuss, Solvita Kampuse, Irina Sivicka, Daiga Sergejeva, Reinis Štelmahers, Ingrīda Augšpole
- Biodiversity of fungi colonizing and influencing the quality and safety of raw material of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) / I. Sivicka, O. Sokolova, K. Juhņeviča-Radenkova
- The use of biogas digestate and wood ash as bio-fertiliser and liming material: a review / I. Sivicka, A. Adamovics
- The evaluation of light conditions for strawberries grown vertically in open area and greenhouse / K. Kampuss, I. Sivicka, D. Sergejeva, I. Alsina, I. Augspole
- Quality of Hydrangea macrophylla depending on the verwintering method / Edvarts Alberts, Daiga Sergejeva, Irina Sivicka
- Organoleptic characteristics of coloured carrot / Elīza Ilze Malceniece, Irina Sivicka
- Nezāļu sugu izplatība mulčētās un nemulčētās zelta jāņogu apdobēs = Distribution of weed species in mulched and non-mulched rows of golden currant / Kaspars Kampuss, Arman Kilinc, Dogukan Acer, Ahmet Rasit Sansal, Irina Sivicka
- Душица – универсальное растение в фитоценозах Латвии и Украины / А.М. Адамович, И.В. Сивицкa, Л.К. Антипова
- The influence of various drying methods on the quality of edible flower petals / Jekaterina Dorozko, Daiga Kunkulberga, Irina Sivicka, Zanda Kruma
- The role of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) in rational land use / A. M. Adamovics, I. V. Sivicka, L. K. Antipova
- Morphological characterisation of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) accessions grown in Latvia [elektroniskais resurss] / Irina Sivicka, Aleksandrs Adamovics
- Chemical composition of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and different factors influencing the bioactivity of compounds / Irina Sivicka
- Some morphological and chemical characteristics of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) in Latvia / I. Sivicka, A. Adamovics, S. Ivanovs, E. Osinska
- Raudenes klonu atšķirības pēc dažu morfoloģisko daļu krāsas = The differences of oregano accessions by colour of some morphological parts / Irina Sivicka, Ahmet Raşit Şansal, Andreea Aura Şuhani, Arman Kilinç
- The effects of spilocaea oleaginea in olive plant / Hafsanur Atik, Irina Sivicka
- Comparison of coloured carrot varieties / Elīza Ilze Malceniece, Irina Sivicka
- Toxic effects of secondary metabolite gossypol produced in cotton / İpek Özak, Irina Sivicka
- Importance, uses, and production of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) in Turkey / Kursat Temel, Irina Sivicka
- Reaching for anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) yield by companion planting and crop rotation methods / Kursat Temel, Irina Sivicka
- Analysis of prickly pear growing condition in mediterranean part of Turkey and areas of usage / Gulsum Unal, Irina Sivicka
- Organiskās mulčas ietekme uz nezāļu izplatību burkānu un biešu sējumos / Irina Sivicka, Ruta Briede
- The influence of various drying methods on the properties and quality of edible flowers' petals / Jekaterina Dorozko, Daiga Kunkulberga, Irina Sivicka, Zanda Kruma
- Agroeconomic potential of some medicinal plants for using in grasslands / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Irina Sivicka
- Some morphological and chemical characteristics of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) in Latvia / I. Sivicka, A. Adamovics, S. Ivanovs, E. Osinska
- Agroeconomic evaluation of aromatic and medicinal plants used for the enrichment of grasslands / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Irina Sivicka
- Agroeconomic evaluation of aromatic and medicinal plants used for the enrichment of grasslands / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Irina Sivicka, Ričards Edmunds Artamonovs
- Content of essential oil of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) over the years / Irina Sivicka
- Gurķu ražas dinamikas izpēte pirmajā apritē / Irina Sivicka, Ginta Helmane, Marta Liepniece, Deividas Mikštas
- Moringa (moringa oleifera lam.): fast, feasible and magical biofortification method / Sabina Mamedova, Irina Sivicka
- Medicinal properties of some artemisia species from Kazakhstan / Assem Otashova, Irina Sivicka
- Organiskās mulčas ietekme uz burkānu un biešu ražu un tās kvalitāti = Influence of organic mulch on the yield and quality of carrots and beets / Irina Sivicka, Ruta Briede
- Agroecological properties of genetic resources of bear's garlic / Irina Sivicka, Deividas Mikštas
- Agronomical behaviour of oregano accessions in ex situ collection / Irina Sivicka.
- Salātu dēstu audzēšana ziemas periodā dažādas kūdras substrātos / Irina Sivicka, Marta Liepniece, Sabīna Alta
- Some consideration about growing paulownia trees / Tanase Tiberiu-Ionut, Irina Sivicka
- Content and composition of essential oil of oregano genetic resources in Latvia / Irina Sivicka, Ewa Osinska, Zanda Kruma, Aleksandrs Adamovics
- Influence of nitrogen fertilizer on perennial grass dry matter yield and suitability for heat production / Aleksandrs Adamovics, Rasma Platace, Irina Sivicka
- Fresh and air-dry biomass of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) accessions / Irina Sivicka, Ieva Žukauska, Antra Balode, Aleksandrs Adamovičs
- The content of linalool in oregano samples / Irina Sivicka, Aleksandrs Adamovičs, Ieva Žukauska, Ewa Osinska
- Changes in biomass of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) in Latvia / Irina Sivicka, Antra Balode, Ieva Žukauska, Aleksandrs Adamovičs
- Conservation of genetic resources of medicinal plants in Latvia: traditions and innovations / I. Sivicka, I. Žukauska
- Aspects of morphological diversity of oregano in Latvia / Irina Sivicka, Ieva Žukauska, Aleksandrs Adamovičs
- Ziedēšanas ilguma un brahteju pāru skaita izpēte raudenes kloniem = Research of duration of flowering and the number of bracts pairs of oregano clones / Irina Sivicka, Ieva Žukauska, Aleksandrs Adamovičs
- Ecological assessment of wild populations and ex situ conservation of genetic resources of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) in Latvia / Irina Sivicka
- Research of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) inflorescence's parameters / Irina Sivicka, Aleksandrs Adamovičs, Ieva Žukauska
- Dziedzermatiņu esamības izpēte raudenes populācijām = Research of glandular trichomes in the populations of oregano / Irina Sivicka, Ieva Žukauska
- Possibilities of growing medicinal plants for rational land use in Latvia / I. Sivicka, I. Žukauska