Ilze Beitāne
Dr. sc. ing.Amati
- Rektorāts - studiju prorektore
- Pārtikas institūts - profesore; vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- P 16:00 - 17:00, Jelgavas pils, Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, LV-3001, 193.kabinets
- C 16:00 - 17:00, Jelgavas pils, Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, LV-3001, 193.kabinets
Studiju kursi
- Uztura zinības
- Uzturzinātnes attīstības tendences
- Uzturzinātne
- Uztura fizioloģija
- Uzturmācība
- Pētījums viesmīlībā
- Uzturs
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- The evaluation of Roasted lentils (L. culinaris L.) quick meals as an alternative to meat dishes / Kristine Ozolina, Ilze Beitane, Vitalijs Radenkovs, Evita Straumite, Anda Valdovska, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava
- Evaluation of the supply of food products developed for diabetics in the Latvian market / J. Grinberga, I. Beitane
- Association of Dietary Habits with Eating Disorders among Latvian Youth Aged 18-24 / I. Gellere, I. Beitane
- Study on food waste reduction practices of Latvian households / Ilze Beitāne, Martins Sabovics, Sandra Iriste, Gita Krumina-Zemture, Janis Jenzis, Haralds Ziedins, Alvine Henriete Auzina, Elīna Zelmene
- A study on high protein beverages for patients with psychiatric disorders / Lāsma Plociņa, Ilze Beitāne
- Study of amino acid profile and solubility of pea protein isolate for the production of beverages for psychiatric patients / Lasma Plocina, Ilze Beitane
- Alternatives to fructose for the development of products for patients with diabetes / Juta Grinberga, Ilze Beitane
- The importance of fatty acids in mental health / Lasma Plocina, Ilze Beitane
- Hygienic assessment of sanitary facilities in catering establishments / Sandra Iriste, Baiba Batare, Gita Krumina-Zemture, Ilze Beitane, Sanita Sazonova
- Evaluation of fatty acids composition in amaranth pasta for a vegan diet / I. Beitane, A. Marisheva
- The potential of amaranth as a basic raw material for the production of pasta for a vegan diet / Ilze Beitane, Alla Marisheva
- Possibilities of stevia application for manufacturing of products for patients with diabetes / Juta Grinberga, Ilze Beitane
- Evaluation of fatty acid composition in amaranth pasta developedfor a vegan diet / Alla Marisheva, Ilze Beitane
- Nutrition’s impact on mental health / Lāsma Plociņa, Ilze Beitāne
- A review: using legumes to develop products for patients with psychiatric disorders / Lasma Plocina, Ilze Beitane
- A review: alternatives to substitute fructose in food products for patients with diabetes / Juta Grinberga, Ilze Beitane
- The study of technological properties of amaranth, amaranth-buckwheat, and amaranth-oat pasta / Alla Mariseva, Ilze Beitane
- Nutritious amaranth pasta for vegan diet / Alla Marisheva, Ilze Beitane, Tatjana Kince
- The assessment of school lunches in the form of food packs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latvia / Ilze Beitane, Sandra Iriste
- Patients’ diets in Latvian psycho-neurological hospitals / Ilze Beitane, Alla Marisheva
- School lunch provision assessment during the Covid-19 pandemic / Ilze Beitane, Sandra Iriste, Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Gita Krumina-Zemture, Marta Eglite
- Food, nutrition, and health in Latvia / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča, Ida Jākobsone, Jevgēnija Jansone, Daina Kārkliņa, Dace Kļava, Gita Krūmiņa-Zemture, Daiga Kunkulberga, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Anita Pastare, Astra Spalvēna, Sanita Zute
- Galvenie secinājumi / Ilze Beitāne, Dina Bite, Jekaterina Bujaka, Inga Ciproviča, Pawel Górnaś, Ilze Grāvīte, Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Laila Ikase, Sandra Īriste, Lana Janmere, Edīte Kaufmane, Inta Krasnova, Zanda Krūma, Ženija Krūzmētra, Tatjana Ķince, Valda Laugale, Līga Lepse, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Aina Muška, Aleksejs Nipers, Irina Pilvere, Dalija Segliņa, Sarmīte Strautiņa, Sintija Strode, Mārtiņš Šabovics, Mihails Šilovs, Ilze Upīte, Solvita Zeipiņa
- Evaluation of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in amaranth seeds grown in Latvia / Alla Mariseva, Ilze Beitane
- Parents' experiences regarding school meals during the COVID-19 pandemic / Ilze Beitane, Sandra Iriste, Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Gita Krumina-Zemture, Marta Eglite
- Vietējo pārtikas ķēžu pārstrukturizēšana un noturības stiprināšana krīzes un pēckrīzes laikā Latvijā : zinātniska monogrāfija / redakcijas kolēģija: Dr.oec. Irina Pilvere (galvenā redaktore), Dr.oec. Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Dr.oec. Aina Muška [un vēl 3 redaktori] ; latviešu valodas redaktore Ausma Mukāne ; angļu valodas redaktors Sandris Ancāns ; vāka dizains: Astra Strance ; zinātniskie recenzenti: Dr.agr. Voldemārs Strīķis, Pēteris Rivža, Dr. Eugene Eteris ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, LLU APP Dārzkopības institūts.
- Īpašiem medicīniskiem nolūkiem paredzētas pārtikas izstrāde : promocijas darba kopsavilkums zinātniskā doktora grāda zinātnes doktors (Ph.D.) pārtikas un dzērienu tehnoloģijās iegūšanai = Development of Food Products for Special Medical Purposes : summary of the doctoral thesis for acquiring a doctor of science (Ph.D.) in food and beverage technologies / Liene Ozola ; promocijas darba vadītāja Solvita Kampuse ; darba recenzenti: Dalija Segliņa, Ilze Beitāne, Vitālijs Radenkovs ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Patients' diets in Latvian psycho-neurological hospitals / Ilze Beitane, Alla Marisheva
- Četru nedēļu pārtikas paku modelis siltu pusdienu pagatavošanai mājās krīzes apstākļos un ārpusskolas aktivitātēs pēckrīzes laikā / Ilze Beitāne, Jekaterina Bujaka, Inga Ciproviča, Sandra Īriste, Zanda Krūma, Tatjana Ķince, Līga Lepse, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Sintija Strode, Mārtiņš Šabovics
- Galvenie ieteikumi un priekšlikumi / Ilze Beitāne, Dina Bite, Jekaterina Bujaka, Inga Ciproviča, Ilze Grāvīte, Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Ikase Laila, Sandra Īriste, Lana Janmere, Dace Kaufmane, Zanda Krūma, Ženija Krūzmētra, Tatjana Ķince, Valda Laugale, Līga Lepse, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Aina Muška, Aleksejs Nipers, Irina Pilvere, Dalija Segliņa, Sarmīte Strautiņa, Sintija Strode, Mārtiņš Šabovics, Mihails Šilovs, Ilze Upīte, Solvita Zeipiņa
- Vegan products development as a challenge for food industry / Alla Marisheva, Ilze Beitane
- Case study: Free lunch meals provision during the remote learning conditions / Ilze Beitane, Zanda Kruma, Tatjana Kince, Martins Sabovics, Sandra Iriste, Sandra Muizniece-Brasava, Jekaterina Bujaka, Sintija Strode, Inga Ciprovica
- Micronutrient content in the diet of patients in psycho-neurological hospitals in Latvia / Ilze Beitane, Alla Marisheva
- Evaluation of amaranth as potential raw material for vegan products / A. Mariseva, I. Beitane, I. Silava
- Assessment of ingredients and nutritional value of vegan products in Latvian market / Alla Mariseva, Ilze Beitane
- Gastronomic tourism for sustainable development of rural areas of Latvia / Marta Eglite, Andra Zvirbule, Ilze Beitane
- Supply of vegan products in Latvia market / Alla Mariseva, Ilze Beitane
- Gastronomic tourism for sustainable development of rural areas of Latvia / Marta Eglite, Andra Zvirbule, Ilze Beitane
- The evaluation of fatty acid profile in the diet of patients in psychoneurological hospitals / Ilze Beitane, Alla Marisheva
- Challenges in the development of food packs for pupil lunches as part of the recovery-lv project / I. Beitane, Z. Krūma, T. Ķince, M. Sabovics, S. Iriste, S. Muizniece-Brasava, J. Bujaka, S. Strode, I. Ciproviča
- Digestibility of buckwheat starch / Gita Krumina-Zemture, Ilze Beitane, Ingmars Cinkmanis, Asnate Kirse-Ozolina, Martins Sabovics
- Study of food waste in schools of Vidzeme region / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Ilze Beitane, Sandra Iriste, Sabine Melbarde
- Ēdināšanas pakalpojuma nodrošināšanas iespējas transportlīdzekļos = Facilities for providing catering services in vehicles / Sabīne Anna Zīverte, Ilze Beitāne
- Pupil’s fruit and vegetable consumption in Latvian schools with various training programs about healthy diet / Ilze Beitane, Madara Nevarzavska
- Depression and diet / Alla Mariseva, Ilze Beitane
- Study of food waste at schools in Vidzeme region / Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Ilze Beitane, Sandra Iriste, Sabine Melbarde
- Fruit and vegetable consumption in Latvian schools with various training programs on healthy diet / Ilze Beitane, Madara Nevarzavska
- Restaurant meals nutritional value impact on customers' eating habits / Sandra Iriste, Ilze Beitane, Ingrida Millere, Gita Krumina-Zemture, Elina Mengote
- Evaluation of the quality of catering service / Gita Krumina-Zemture, Sandra Iriste, Ilze Beitane, Laura Lipina
- Effect of germination and extrusion on the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of raw buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) / I. Beitane, G. Krumina–Zemture, M. Sabovics
- Uzturs : uzturlīdzekļu kopums, kas nepieciešams dzīvības norisēm cilvēka organismā / Ilze Beitāne
- Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) flour: composition and technological properties / Ilze Beitāne
- Flavonoids and total phenolic content in extruded buckwheat products with sweet and salty taste / G. Krumina–Zemture, I. Beitane, I. Cinkmanis
- Phenolics content in buckwheat flour = Fenolu saturs griķu miltos / Ilze Beitāne, Gita Krūmiņa-Zemture, Zanda Krūma, Ingmārs Cinkmanis
- Effect of germination and extrusion on the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of raw buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) / I. Beitane, G. Krumina–Zemture, M. Sabovics
- Flavonoids and total phenolic content in extruded buckwheat products with sweet and salty taste / G. Krumina–Zemture, I. Beitane, I. Cinkmanis
- School system influence on fruit and vegetable consumption among pupils / Madara Nevarževska, Ilze Beitāne
- Fatty acid composition in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) flours and their extruded products / Gita Krumina-Zemture, Ilze Beitane
- Dietary micronutrient content of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) flours / Ilze Beitane, Gita Krumina-Zemture
- The evaluation of providing special diets in Riga's pre-schools / Ingrida Millere, Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Ilze Beitane
- Dietary micronutrient content in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) flour / Ilze Beitane, Gita Krumina-Zemture
- Survival of lactic acid bacteria from fermented dairy products in a gastrointestinal tract simulator / Asnate Kirse, Ilze Beitane, Rita Riekstina-Dolge, Sandis Vilums
- Research of half-finished frozen berry products / Ilze Beitane, Anita Blija, Sigita Boca, Aivars Aboltins, Imants Atis Skrupskis
- Research of half-finished frozen berry products / Imants Skrupskis, Anita Blija, Ilze Beitane, Sigita Boca, Aivars Aboltins
- Evaluation of nutritional quality of raw and roasted buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) fluor / Ilze Beitane, Gita Krumina-Zemture
- Heat-mass transfer in layer of berries during freezing process / Anita Blija, Ilze Beitane, Aivars Aboltins, Sigita Boca
- Ekstrūdētu termiski neapstrādātu griķu produktu sensorais vērtējums = Sensory evaluation of extruded raw buckwheat products / Gita Krūmiņa-Zemture, Ilze Beitāne
- Fatty acid composition in buckwheat (fagopyrum esculentum m.) flours and their extruded products / Gita Krumina-Zemture, Ilze Beitane
- The evaluation of raw buckwheat and its suitability in nutrition / G. Krumina-Zemture, I. Beitane, S. Malavko
- Amino acid and dietary fibre content of pea and buckwheat flours / Gita Krumiņa-Zemture, Ilze Beitane, Ilze Gramatina
- Physical and sensory properties of wheat bread with immature hull-less barley additive / D. Karklina, I. Gedrovica, N. Petrovska-Avramenko, I. Beitane
- Phenolic content in buckwheat flours / I. Beitane, G. Krumina-Zemture, Z. Kruma, I. Cinkmanis
- Sensory properties of waffles with pea and buckwheat flour / Gita Krumina-Zemture, Ilze Beitane
- Effect of hull-less barley flakes and malt extract on yoghurt quality / Ilze Beitane, Evita Straumite
- Comparison of dietary fibre content in different fibre sources / Liene Jaundzeikare, Ilze Beitane
- Sensory and structural properties of pancakes with pea and buckwheat flour / Ilze Beitane, Gita Krumina-Zemture, Irisa Murniece
- Comparison of dietary fibre content in different fibre sources / Liene Jaundzeikare, Ilze Beitane
- Sensory, colour and structural properties of pancakes prepared with pea and buckwheat flours / Ilze Beitane, Gita Krumina-Zemture, Irisa Murniece
- Effect of hull-less barley flakes and malt extract on yoghurt quality / Ilze Beitane, Evita Straumite
- The chemical composition of yoghurt enriched with flakes from biologically activated hull-less barley grain and malt extract / Ilze Beitane
- Microbiological assessment of yoghurt enriched with flakes from barley grain and malt extract during shelf-life / Ilze Beitane, Dace Klava
- Nutritional benefits of Bifidobacterium lactis in dairy products = Bifidobacterium lactis raudzētu piena produktu uzturvērtības paaugstināšana / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča
- B group vitamins concentration in yogurt with flakes from biologically activated hull-less barley grain and malt extract / Ilze Beitane
- Nutritional value and sensory properties of yoghurt enriched with barley grains and malt extract / Ilze Beitane, Evita Straumite, Ingmars Cinkmanis
- B group vitamins concentration in yogurt with flakes from biologically activated hull-less barley grain and malt extract / Ilze Beitane
- The changes of the amount of amino acids in fermented milk enriched with flakes from biological activated hull-less barley grain and malt extract / Ilze Beitane
- The changes of the amount of amino acids in fermented milk enriched with flakes from biological activated hull-less barley grain and malt extract / Ilze Beitane
- The study of cholesterol content in synbiotic fermented dairy products / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- Probiotiku un prebiotiku simbioze / I. Beitāne, I. Ciproviča
- The study of synbiotic dairy products rheological properties during shelf-life / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- Effect of flakes from biological activated hull-les barley grain and malt extract on B group vitamins concentration in fermented milk / Ilze Beitāne
- Nutritional benefits of Bifidobacterium lactis in dairy products / I. Beitane, I. Ciprovica
- The study of synbiotic dairy products rheological properties during shelf-life / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- The changes of the amount of amino acids in fermented milk enriched with flakes from biological activated hull-less barley grain and malt extract / Ilze Beitane
- The study of carbohydrates fermentation ability of B.lactis in milk / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- The study of carbohydrates fermentation ability of B.lactis in milk / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- The study of added prebiotics on B group vitamins concentration during milk fermentation / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- The study of added prebiotics on B group vitamins concentration during milk fermentation / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciprovica
- The evaluation of carbohydrate's fermentation in milk by Bifidobacterium lactis / I. Beitane, I. Ciprovica, Daina Karklina
- Laktulozes un inulīna izvērtējums jauna funkcionāla piena produkta izstrādē : promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu doktora grāda iegūšanai Pārtikas zinātnes nozarē Pārtikas mikrobioloģijas apakšnozarē / Ilze Beitāne ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas katedra.
- The influence of prebiotics on growing and surviving of B.lactis in milk / I. Beitane
- Laktulozes un inulīna izvērtējums jauna funkcionāla piena produkta izstrādē : promocijas darba kopsavilkums Inženierzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai Pārtikas zinātnes nozarē, Pārtikas mikrobioloģijas apakšnozarē = The evaluation of lactulose and inulin for the development of a new functional milk product : summary of doctoral thesis for acquiring the Doctor's degree of Engineering Sciences in sector of Food Sciences, in sub-sector of Food Microbiology / Ilze Beitāne ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Pārtikas produkti ar funkcionālajām sastāvdaļām : teorētiskais materiāls studiju priekšmeta "Funkcionālā pārtika" apguvei / Daina Kārkliņa, Inga Ciproviča, Ilze Beitāne ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte.
- Prebiotikas – probiotisko baktēriju vairošanās un dzīvotspējas veicinātājas pienā = Prebiotics – the influencing factors on growth and survival of probiotics in milk / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča
- The study of the reduction of cholesterol level in milk by probiotics / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča
- The study of the nutritive value of fermented milk with probiotics and prebiotics / Inga Ciprovica, Ilze Beitane
- The amount of B1 and B2 vitamins in milk with added prebiotics and fermented by bifidobacteria / Ilze Beitane; Inga Ciprovica; Daina Karklina
- The study of rheological property of functional fermented milk / Ilze Beitane, Inga Ciproviča
- The changes of milk constituents by probiotics and prebiotics during milk fermentation / I. Ciprovica, I. Beitane, D. Karklina
- The changes of the concentrations of thiamin and riboflavin in milk enriched with prebiotics and probiotics / Ilze Beitāne, Inga Ciproviča
- Raudzētu piena produktu uzturvērtības paaugstināšanas iespējas = The possibility of improvement the nutritive value of fermented milk / Inga Ciproviča, Ilze Beitāne